1) 1st DAY OUTFIT: I know your first day is the day you dress you're best in your eyes right? Mine too....until just the other day I realized, if we dress in an amazing new outfit the first day we set ourselves up to have to stay with the really nice outfit. How rediculous would it be to wear a nice cardigans with skinnys, then the next day rock out sweat pants...Be sure your look is moderately nice. The firts day, is your first impression for every new teacher, and student. I want you too definately stay true to your style (don't let your Mom shop for you) because you have to uphold the reputation you make the first day. My guide: 1st day: Nice outfit 2nd Day: wow them with a nice accesory 3rd day: break out a amazing outfit when you have more friends now to acknowledge it.
2) SHY, BUT NOT TOO SHY: If you are a talker (like me) I would refrain from being so open the first day. A lot of excitment is on the first day, you wouldn't want to be that one hyper person in the class...so tone down your attitude and energy, focus mainly on school for the first few days, then as oyu find your place with people feel a bit more free with your choices.
3) JOIN CLUBS: If you hate reaidng don't join the book club just for the people...find a club you actually like because schools have a TON of great clubs that get you involved with the student body and school. These are great ways to get friends, and get your name in the scene at your school.
4) BULLIES: I don't want to give you advice and possibly end up getting you hurt...so I will say most times in most cases if your ignore your bullies remarks and realize how low they really are, you will feel better, and they will stop. You can't le tbullies beat you down when school is baout you, your friends, adn of course education, they have no space in your life... your reaction to them really does determine how they react to you.
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