1) TECHNOLOGY: If you have a smart phone and are not living it up unlimited on a great plan, then you know DATA is a word you hate to see. So to SAVE YOU DATA download the FREE app called "Onavo" it is somehow a data cruncher and really does work. Although the downsides are you won't be able to send or recieve photo's for some reason...I don't know maybe they will conjure up a fix for that.
2) FOOD: Snack foods...we eat them. we love them. We also have to suffer the health affects. There are many chips, with many different flavors but did you know there are more than just the salty greasy LAYS!? Yes! I eat the chips called "KETTLE BRAND" they are ALL NATURAL, and kettle cooked. These chips are not only NOT FRIED in grease, but the kettle cooked aspect gives them a great crunch! My favorite part beyond the healthiness, is how great they taste! The natural ingredients make for wonderful flavors, and your fingers are not wet by the end of eating them! (available anywhere)
3) ALCOHOL: If you plan on having a night of drinking pair that with the lovely H2O! You should space your drinks with water, doing so keeps you hydrated, while also lessening the affects of the alcohol, so you can drink and have fun but not get too wasted. (I don't know what ages read my blog- but this is for 21 and over!)
4) WIFI: If you prefer going out for your wifi I will give you one tip....NO MCDONALDS. On top of their fat inducing greasy food their wifi is horrendous. I prefer going to STARBUCKS personally for the value of their products, but also their wifi is rather fast. From much experiementation and stress 0.0 I found Mcdonalds wifi to be weaker at many locations.
AS ALWAYS comment below to share your tips!
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