If not for Twilight or Alice in Wonderland. I would have never found my love for the name. A divine liking have I taken for a girl with the name Alice. In every story I write or fantasy I conjure in my scrambled mind the girl is always relative to or exactly the liking of, an Alice. What is an Alice? Is an Alice of a friendly sort? Where is my Alice?
What is my dear named Alice, but a French derived name popularly lengthened by saying Adelais. A name bringing upon a girl the title of strength and nobility. Is Alice truly brave enough to go against her parents after following a suspicious rabbit down an abnormal sink hole? Has she been faint on the idea of realism or is she just a creative soul finding way in a rough world? I would cherish the day an Alice walks into my
arms, feeling my grasp, and giving into my love. Such a turn of events has my Alice taken...from nobility she comes into my hold, soft is her skin, golden is her hair...what light radiates her to a brightly lit wonder? The sun with just the same place of nobility? A day to hold an Alice would be a day I possess a work of divine beauty, a work who sees no end to a long tunnel but rather a way thru the trap door in the ground just beyond the entrance. The vision of peace, and all villainous acts to end is what makes an Alice so special. In AIWL she took down the dreaded Red Queen. In Twilight she represents beauty in all that is evil of vampires, she shows Bella the guidance that is required to enter such abnormalities the family deems to be placed upon her. Alice's brave all the odds of marriage and rejection from peers to do what is right...I want an Alice just the same, whose love beats to be stronger by day, and ages with strength and positive reflections. Justin wants his very own Alice.
So cool!!! Fab