I mean I don't know about texting...I do text but not massively. I will be posting a lot of videos, photos, and statuses like a madman! Having a smartphone means having all the capabilities apps give you, and I quite frankly cannot wait for that!
Why do I like social networking so much? I guess it's the people. I like being able to have all these people I can express myself too, and show my crazy life I have without even knowing them! I don't even know these people yet they watch my videos, and comment on my stuff!? The entire social networking platform in itself is just really cool beans! I am feel pretty dandy about being able to partake in such activities everyday!
Not only do people see ma crap that i post, but they also see other peoples crap...it all is really crappy...but like in a good way...like instead of crappy it's crap-pie...you like pie if it's crappy...cause it's Pie...and pie is good no matter what.
My faovrite part of social networking is the ability to sit and see other peoples things they post because you can sit for hours and just be entertained, excluding the occasional mellow-dramatic relationship statuses. You're in high school girl expect to be played like a fiddle. Your able to find people hwo likes the same kind of things, and places. I just enjoy seeing what othe rpeople do when they get bored, it is all amazing how people who don't know each can come together and get to know each other!
Really you will never meet most of your social friends in real life, but honestly that leaves no room for awkward in person moments...like if you went in for a hug and they backed away awkwardly denying you.
That all being said, you now get why I love being a social networking whore, seeing things I never would otherwise, and sharing things people may find enjoyment from. I am so glad to be apart of this massaive array of human stupidity. Welcome to the world of social networking!
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