Let me say first hand...although your clothes affect your appearance to people, your personality and humanity is the number one asset you need to worry about. Luckily for me I was raise dproperly so I have a general likability about me. I was also raised up as a preppy little sweater vest wearing, bible hugger...So I am now I sexy, hipster fashion lover, I don't really bible hug as much as I should!
Ok, you're on my terms...here we go. GOODWILL is a store msot everyone knows. A loy of times it has the greatest things you will have never found, it is a constant garage sale...who doesn't appreicate a good garage sale every now and then. Considering the charitable factor behind donating, and purchasing from the store, it's old moggy smell does not phase me. It was not until late last year I seen that a lot of my friends actually do shop at Goodwill, it's actually a sort of social club. Finding gems there is really fun, the way they have it where people donate the goods they sell means you get the same value as going all aorund town to garage sales...Goodwill brings you the convience and value of a day of garage saling in one store!
I have shopped for things there many times, and always find somethign more then what I originally wen tin looking for and that's what is so GRAND ABOUT IT! You can find things like good clothes, or shoes while also finding some great new Coffee mug for your already insane collection. Or...not, cause maybe your Mom has started restricting your Coffee mug limit...besides my obsessions you actually find some great clothes, and you should definately not be a shamed to shop there. I will tell you although my closet is 95% designer brand clothes- you can come across some great name brands at Goodwill, people just carelessly throw away. So shopping for clothes there is a good choice, although you may have to sift thru a lot of old horrendous clothes- and if you've been there you know horrendous is definately the adjective for some of the clothes.
I know that most people feel others can prosper form their trash..but let's be real some of the stuff I find there is completely pointless to have in the store. On top of pointless there was one time I saw somehting that should not even be in the public eye! One day while drifting thru i saw a glass display case near the back, in it I found trojan vibrating condoms of some sort (hopefully not used) sitting vicariously next to a Wizard of Oz Dorothy barbie doll....coinsidence...I hope so. 0.0.
If you are an avid shipper here good for you, your supporting a great charity who helps millions...if you have never then please do so! Remember that helping others is never going to make you look trashy, or poor...Goodwill is a store based on doing good...so support a wonderful charity, while saving money. Realistically most people today can save money...it does not make you poor to want to get more then one outfit for $50...trust me I have been there I paid $150 in a shopping haul one day with my friend Troy Walker....I walked out with two outfits...what did I do wrong!----I avoided Goodwill that's what!
COMMENT QUESTION: What is some of your funnest things you have found at Goodwill?
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