Starting off I was on a nice sister date with Kayla (My bro's girlfriend) Knowing she would be living to go home, leaving me alone at Starbucks I hit up one of my most epic friends Maranda. She came, we very openly played my youtube videos on the loudest volume in the middle of STARBUCKS for th fun of it. Then I got bored, so we needed to hit the town! Of course if you live in this trash pit of a small town Lapeer, you know "hitting the town" is walking around WalMart or something.
Our first stop was garden center, after ramming the cart into the door that never automatically opened we discovered it was closed for tonight. So we made our way to the books only to discover some certain .."bulges" in the pants of the One Direction boys in a magazine. XD
Secondly we came across a very attractive woman chef who has a tv show, and her display of products. You have three seconds to throw your guess out there- wait let's make this a game...go COMMENT first which chef you think I am talking about CLOSE your eyes and scroll down. Then come back and see if your guess was right :)
Did you win? (lol) Well anyways Rachel Ray is definately my number one pick if I was offered a MILF. In all seriousness I love her cooking ware and she is just beyond words to describe her beauty. We played with her cookware made some loud sexual jokes about it alll, then moved on to making a video of different very disruptive laughs in public BAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!....people stared.We walked thru the clothes and Maranda had her eye on a "sexy young man" worker there. Quite frankly from a straight guys perspective, there was not much to like so I do not see where her attraction lies in a man. After her trying on hooker boots obviously right in front of him we made our way to the sexy section.
Maranda found a very sparkly and bright pair of 12 year old girl lingerie. Ok she says it is not 12 year olds but please they fit me, and I have the body of a 12 year old girl. (lol)
Oh my all this hsopping has burnt a lot of calories. So we briskly made our way to the doughnuts place...they were already taken in for the night. SO we looked around at the pre-packaged all looked gross, then we saw a bunch of Organic salads beckoning our bodies toward them! We took about 10 minutes to find the right ones but eventually got two very organic and mixed up salads.
We went ot self checkout in fear of an awkward silence at the register...imagine two teenagers walking up with two organic salads, creepy faces, and pieces of 12 year old girls lingerie...
To make this situation even more awkward for people we sat outsid eon the Meijer benches eating the salads as they exited and entered...the looks people gave us XD At one point I remember having a mouth full of salad screaming at them "WHAT DO YOU WANNNT!?!?!"
My brother was my ride home so we had journeyed our way thru the dark and desolate parking lot, and back sides of the hotels. A few cars scared us so we turned our walk into a fast paced walk. Making our way to the M24 Subway. We had a half hour to spare, so we sat on the randomly ledge they have in between the parking lot and the road.
Sitting there with two salads randomly spitting some out, and throwing rocks in the road...things just got crazier as time went on. This next part has no valued explanation so I will not try...but Maranda conjures this brilliant idea that I should put on her panties she just bought. Reluctantly putting on the panties for all of the M24 drivers to see I strutted my stuff, with an Organic salad in hand.
Out of no where we see this bus, making a joke at it being a party bus, when they turn into EG Nicks we see on the side it really is a party bus! :D So we put the panties on our fingers and twirled them above our head like mad drunks! The bus kept pulling all around the parking lot like it was watching us...we gladly would have joined their whole shin-dig.
Once the bus drove away we had not much to do but run aorund in the road between cars, and just shouting things.
I seriously consider the possibility that the ORGANIC vitamins or something produced some sort of brain waves, chemical high or something. I don't know the science behind it...but this was a good night.
You can use that box down there to talk ya know. It doesn't bite.
Mother of god justin xD this doesnt suprise me at all.