
Sunday, August 5, 2012


<<Those are all I see on Facebook now-a-days. A timeline full of terror, gay people being bashed, children born with birth deffects wanting confirmation they are beautiful, and half naked woman! 1/3 of that I am just randy with, but I go on Facebook to see what my friends are doing. I honestly do care about what someone just ordered at Taco bell, far more then seeing some brutal rape victim montage. The strive they have when posting these things about helping that person really seems to be fact the "help" they are grabbing for seems to barely appear thru the complaints, and badgering from people commenting about how wrong it was to post this, or how one comment was rude. In the end you have thousands of adrhenaline fueled facebook whores
argueing with each other, attempting to "OWN" one another, and ultimately just make a mock of what was suppose to be an outcry for help. This conclusion begs the question that if people have noticed what happens on these one week wonders, why do they keep posting? They all must have seen one time in their miserable lifes on facebook, how the online world reacts to such thing. The amount of hate and contradiction put in the comments really isn't worth the overal cause. The social outcry for attention on someones beauty judging is pathetic...if you know some people won't be nice why wouold you even post it? Is that person really going to only see the positive comments? STOP posting these depressing photo's and post a picture of a cute puppy you jerks.

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