Yeah! This is the 2nd JTT therefore I have stuck to something! This weeks tips are somewhat scrambled but here ya'll go!
1) WEB: Hold your pose when taking a pic...after 10 seconds you should know if you want to have that looked at forever online or whatever. I wish all the duck face, booty popped out bathroom shots from those girls used this tip before clicking upload XD
2) WEIGHT: You should drink a glass of water before a meal. Simply put: it fills the stomach, thus reducing hunger. If I could dig into the web for a second and tell you that in recent studies where a group of men were put on a low calorie diet for three months. One group drank a glass of water before their meals. That group lost 15 pounds as opposed to the 11 pounds lost by the non water drinking group...facts are fun! (hehe)
3) SNACKING: If your craving a late night snack, or even during the day I recommend you have a warm mug of hot cocoa. This is a personal experience tip, so no fun fact here. I don't know how or why it sort of fills me greatest guess is the milk you put in it. Anyways try it!
4) HEALTH: Eat a dry bowl of salad (lite dressing if you must) while you do your laundry with the music on. You have to do laundry so why not make laundry time benefit you!? Turn on the tunes, and do a little jig while folding/putting away clothes. Trust me it passes time. The salad part is just to eat healthy, grab a piece of salad every shirt or every other.
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