Hey this is crazy, I'm gonna blog this, don't judge me maybe? OK, I know it's horribly clich to even say the words call me maybe now...but I was just watching the video of Carly Rae Jepson performing her all too well known hit single "Call me Maybe" at Cedar Poitn Saturday July 7th...the day BEFORE I went to Cedar Point (ugh ikr right) Well I am not really here to drool over her, but the video moved me when I heard the WHOLE audience chime in and start singing along...(I am focusing less on the Carly aspect and more on the coming together as humans--strangers--.) Every once and a while the World has these small things that brings people together...Music in itself always seems to be one. It's amazing the powers a song can have on a person. Adele's hit album seems to describe every breakup any girl or guy has had moving them in a way that they don't feel alone, isn't it amazing how one person can bring together so many different people? Every person in those audiences have different skin colors, different hair, clothes, and personalities yet they all come together as Carly's fans. If we as humans can always come together as fans of one person, or one thing, can't we come together for the sake of humanity? The answer is indefinately yes, but do we always? ...unfortunately no. To shed some light on this you see the yes side to this arguement everyday thru the endless charities, and volunteering done by humans, for humans. It kind of confuses me how we need reason to come together...we need that one friend to break up our peddy arguements, we need that one song to bring strangers together, we need that one similar taste in things to make new friends...well here's something we all have in common, humanity. I think musics profund strentgh should be a first hand mascot to how humans CAN actually come together, maybe as a human you can reflect upon your decisions today asking yourself if you do what you can to help others, and brings strangers together...stranger danger doens't apply when it comes to leaving people out, maybe the Antoine Dobson remix of
"Hide yo kids" ruined it for us all...hmm seems Antoine Dobson single handedly raped the courage of every human to come together in fear of rape...on a non-joking basis, love everybody, and do what you can to come together at all times, not just when you need to...but especially when the going gets rough.
Stay golden.
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