If you live in America, and don't stay cooped up in your air condition turtle shell then you know we are being hit with scorching record breaking temperatures! Not does heat affect comfort but having a heat related illness is extremely dangerous for your health. This all being an unfortunate event affecting millions I have decided to take it upon myself and scour the web for tips and tricks to beat this insane heat, and save you some money! Thanks to myself being in a turtle hole I present these tips:
1) Take care of your A/C- change the air filters monthly to reduce friction in the airflow and have a more efficient cooling system
2). put new sealer on windows and doors that you see are leaking. New weather stripping isn't expensive, (roughly $1.50 per roll)
3). Close all windows, doors, blinds, and curtains- this keeps the heat out and cool air in- saves money on Air Conditioning costs.
4) If you workout/exercise adjust your schedule to using cooler times of the day (early morning/later in the evening)
5) Wear light colored clothing (dark attracts) it's most efficient to wear loose articles of clothing.
6) Cotton clothing is best for staying cooler.
7) Buy a small sprayer bottle ($1 at the store) if you keep it refrigerated you can have a nice refreshing mist. Your skin affects your comfort majorly in this heat!
8) Crack out the fans! The circulated air can be comforting even in un-air conditioned homes! Luckily us humans sweat, we sweat to stay cool, of you have a wind hitting your skin your skin feels refreshed and cool. It's all mind tricks.
9) If you use lotions or sunscreens store it in the fridge (if allowed) to have a cool lotion comforting in your worn feet and other skin.
10) Store your plastic water bottles in the freezer so as you go outside to do things the ice melts and keeps your water cool.
11) Those small battery powered fans (I have found at the dollar store) are great when going places and sitting outside. You can even find ones that attach to water bottles and spray a mist (may be a pretty penny)
12) A popular tennis trick is to pour water in your hat evenly an flip it quickly back onto your head!
13) Caffeine and alcohol promotes dehydration- so avoid at all cost....I refuse so I get Caramel Frappes which are iced coffee...but it's beat to drinks water.
14) Try at all costs to eat cold fruit or ice cream treats (low fat ice cream or frozen yogurt is best) this will give you nutrition, and of course keep you away from a hot stove and hot food in general.
15) Air conditioning can be found at basically all stores/restaurants/malls. I personally enjoy going to wifi hotspots that are cool, and I get to play online! So give yourself a day or two out of the week to go, libraries are also a good place!
16) Using ice coolers/pads on your body provides a cooling relief. Neck, feet, and hands are your bodies main spots to have temperature change (so I believe)
17) I have found a way to make a redneck A/C if you don't have any. put a small bowl of ice water by a small fan. Just like living lakeside you'll get a cool breeze!
18) If it is really extreme turn of your bathroom and kitchen stove exhaust fans to pull out hot air!
19) Turn of heats sources like lamps, computers, and candles when you don't need or aren't using them.
20) Avoid the steam of showers or hot dish water by taking cooler showers and washing dishes in cold water.
21) If you have a gas stove your pilot lite can be adjusted to put out less heat and save money.
22) Cover furniture in white sheets or lightly colored fabrics without any textures. cover pillows in light fabrics. Light-colored fabrics reflect heat.
23) If you are re-roofing your roof put lift colored roofing to reflect sun rather than absorb it.
24) Plant trees! Trees provide shade for your house, and provide oxygen--- not to mention the Eco benefits of it!
25) If you have a basement put a fan at the end of the stairs to help blow up some of the cool air.
26) Put ice in all your beverages, it keeps it cool and gives you something to chew in. Not a scientist here but having he ice may trick your mind into eating less- loosing weight!
27) Put a pillow in a plastic bag, and put that in a freezer before bed, it give you a cool fabric to sleep with. MORE SLEEP!!!!
28) Drinking water is a well known must...but let be honest it has no flavor to it! Add a lemon slice, lime, or cucumber to add a boost of flavor!
29) Cover the back of your neck! Your bodies main temperature sensor is there, wearing a hat or wet handkerchief helps.
30) Get your hair wet, or misted. The scalp pulls in some moisture, and keeps the body chill.
31) Pack up on fruits and veggies, they often hold water in them.
32) Swim! it's been proven people can get a log workout while swimming then on land. It's like giving yourself a few extra miles for free!
33) Hit the beaches! (I blogged about that recently) most cities have a public beach, just read carefully it would be akward to walk onto a beach with a bunch naked people. 0.0
34) if your working outside give yourself 10 minutes of every hour to sit in the shade and rest, degrees can be 10 degree cooler in the shade!
35) The number One way to stay cool in the Summer heat is to keep up with my blog! I post at least once a week!
Stay cool, and golden!
Classic joke ending: What do you call a guy with no arms or legs laying on your front porch? --Matt
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