Oh how we all dream of kissing our lover under the mist of an Italian water fountain at dusk. The thought of finding that one true one is lovely to have in mind. It is an honest human instinct to fall in love quickly, which normally ends up hurting some...but for others this earthly attraction sparks an exuberant romantic love story. Picnics in the park, dancing in a field of wild flowers, your parents loving them, the sports nights with a girl who pretends she is interested, all these lovely images are often portrayed in movies. (I knew one day I would write about the word "cliche") Wow! Did I say movies...wait so love stories aren't real life? Well no, and yes. Love stories exist, but in the form of similar interests, friends of a friend, sweet flowers delivered to work...yah catching myself here, this happens in the movies too...but one thing separate movies from reality. In reality each kind gesture comes with the backbone of trust, long communication, and personal touches. Movies always portray things as working out every time, and unfortunately life isn't that way. Things we say or do can't be un-done with a corny gesture and some cliche movie quote. Things take time and effort to re-birth. Relationships are deemed so un-fragile in movies... when really relationships share the same fragility as a newborn baby! Relationships need nurturing, thought, and joy...I just really don't think the cliche kiss in the rain happens as easily in real life as it does in the movies. In my honest last remark, don't form your life around the movies because being cliche doesn't guarantee you a life lived happily ever after.
I will always think taht real life is better than a movie (Fab)