Monday, July 30, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
This is the first edition of a hopefully weekly occurrence. I think a lot, and spend too much time with myself so all the time I am conjuring up these new ideas, and new approaches on I haven't been picked up yet is beyond me. This week is about HEALTH
1) WATER: We all wanna be healthy but drinking water is tasteless and bland. Flavorings is a terrible sugary alternative. By accident I drank some pineapple juice that was put in my water bottle. It was about a half and half ratio. Any water spiked with REAL fruit juices can taste good, and have a nutritional backing. STARBUCKS has a new line of "refreshers" beverages and they use whole raspberries and shake the water to mix in a natural flavor that is great! Watch what juice you buy if you don't use it from fresh fruit, most juices are sugar filled!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Ok so I am speaking as a consumer, and somewhat a pop culture junkie. I don't know if my claims here are true but they're purely opinionated. Thru some basic observations it seems like the whole vintage trend (which I was definitely in with) has somewhat faded. I shop at Rue21 and they brought in a nice vintage design with their clothes. Now the lace, and ribbons have begun to be replaced by they bright neon trims and center folds. It's crazy how obsessed we all were with the vintage lifestyle, I'm personally in heaven seeing old wood, or metal furnishes. Seeing old pieces of clothes or antiques for some reason throws me overboard in a sea of respect. The simpler times were when people played outside or drove in their cars for 10 cents with their friends. I sometimes wish I could sit back on a 57 Chevy's hood sipping a 5 cent Pepsi, overlooking the town in a cliche picturesque cliff parking lot. Why can't life be vintage? No cell phones, no computer...what if when we heard "wifi" we thought of some governmental conspiracy to invade our easy life's? I think it's to the point where we love the ideal of not taking a bag of chargers, and electronics everywhere we go...but when we actually come to doing it, that's another thing. We are so whipped and wired in we can't even live out our fantasy that are as easy a putting our phones down. We use them because they exist and we love them. So with new technologies and ideas with our modern neon world is there even a place for vintage fashion!? Us small humans are sporting vintage fashions and vintage products all in a desperate plea for old ways...yet we take a picture of our new vintage shoes and twit pic it, instagram it, Facebook it, pin it on pinterest, Blog them, Vlog them, text about them, email them, pic message them, and all this, just to show we support simpler was difficult just writing all those posting ways. To support vintage fashion we have to support the life of simplicity and enjoying the little things...not the app store. Seeing all the new fashion trends go in and out I'm sure vintage fashion still holds itself strong, but really it all relies on the spirit of us consumers, and of course the fashion bloggers....oh we're such an impressionable society.
Stay Golden
Friday, July 27, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
This is a comment on Facebook from a great friend of mine from working in Missouri summer 2011
Saturday, July 21, 2012
[Consider this?] MURDER?
Let's take a step back into time, our magical time warping trolly has led us to the days of Imperialism. The times when mighty Kings sat atop thrones hailing fortune, or the distinct opposite amongst his dearest patrons and most savage enemies. I have halted the trollies trip to this time to beg the question of murder! If you were a king and someone crossed you, you crossed them...with a blade to their neck. Back then it's like people were so disposable, but if a person is stabbed it makes the news channels and blogs, and candle light services are held. Some deaths even spark human rights campaigns! I figure it's because humans have gained humanity given we no longer sleep outside in huts. It could be maybe because each human for the most part has important jobs or placement, and we as humans make so highly of ourselves that when we leave it is raise or concern...what do you think? Why is death such a taboo thing now!?
Friday, July 20, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
35 ways to beat the heat
If you live in America, and don't stay cooped up in your air condition turtle shell then you know we are being hit with scorching record breaking temperatures! Not does heat affect comfort but having a heat related illness is extremely dangerous for your health. This all being an unfortunate event affecting millions I have decided to take it upon myself and scour the web for tips and tricks to beat this insane heat, and save you some money! Thanks to myself being in a turtle hole I present these tips:
1) Take care of your A/C- change the air filters monthly to reduce friction in the airflow and have a more efficient cooling system
2). put new sealer on windows and doors that you see are leaking. New weather stripping isn't expensive, (roughly $1.50 per roll)
Monday, July 16, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
I cannot even begin to fathom life without being forced into a state of fear. The social and physical responsibilities put on people in life is so astounding. The way we humans rely on each other is all too real to even comprehend, and honestly the idea of the world revolving each day successfully is too hard to believe. I know I just spit a bunch of powerful lines at you....but bare with me Here.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
The lottery is a gamble
Originally Posted on June 23, 2012 at 12:35 AM |
Madagasar 3 Movie Review
Originally Posted on June 19, 2012 at 5:15 PM |
"Prooves 3 is the charm"
First off let me just say, this
movie WAS UNIMAGINABLY AMAZING! Pretty frickin awesome ,The way the colors and
graphics came together it made an excellent and digitally stunning film! NOW
this issssss a 3D Movie from Dreamworks -surprise surprise- BUT
Work your butt off?
Originally Posted on May 15, 2012 at 6:35 PM
[A short little thought]
Trust me I know, the last thing you want to think about beyond schoolwork, and general friends/family issues is servicing the needs of others. Not in terms of the good citizen duty of volunteering, but the forced to be here for eight hours a day, work week. Last week I was taught a good realization during the Civics class, (for once I learnt something at school.) My teacher had
Trust me I know, the last thing you want to think about beyond schoolwork, and general friends/family issues is servicing the needs of others. Not in terms of the good citizen duty of volunteering, but the forced to be here for eight hours a day, work week. Last week I was taught a good realization during the Civics class, (for once I learnt something at school.) My teacher had
The fat fat black squirell
Originally Posted on January 23, 2011 at 8:36 PM |
Each weekend spent at my grandparents home in Ortonville I
will come across this Fat Black squirrel! I tell you don’t judge him by his
obesity and cuteness. This Fat Back squirrel has made a mockery of me!
A Journalists thoughts
Originally Posted on September 25, 2011 at 3:45 PM |
The hustle bustle of cities, where suits get laid
out at the first site of a sun-beam, and where windows in tall housing
structures open to let sun break through the towering buildings illuminating
small kitchens and releasing a "day starting" energy to the world of business,
writings, servicing, and feeding starts is good and all...but in all honestly
can you often find someone getting a breath in the contained world of CEO's,
Journalists, and fast paced on-goers?
Super Fowl XLVI?
originally Posted on February 6, 2012 at 8:45 AM |
I am among the millions of Americans who tuned in this Sunday night February 2012 to witness the Giants take on the Patriots in SuperBowl XLVI. Witness, I didn’t…experience I did!
My Hotel caught on fire!
originally Posted on March 8, 2012 at 2:40 AM |
Valentines Pay?
Orignally on February 13, 2012 at 8:40 AM |
Status Uphater
Hello young doubtful tis I, the infamous Status Updater. I pen you today asking you a question, if you have a resource that's unlimited why not use it? This is my philosophy, and as I can see by the comments on Facebook some people do not understand how to use resources!
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