Simple Noted
I am a soup loving, skinny jean wearing, Vegetarian blogger about things in life.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
The Picture Askew
I sit sedentary atop my golden throne damp from my shower...silently alone. My hair... moist as I induce my slippery comma of social media. I gaze ahead to simply ponder my thoughts, and I find the painting adjacent to my sight be crooked...this I not right. I then ask this indeed crooked? Or is our perception in society taught in a form that is deceptive to anything beyond formal? This painting has flare..yet it is out of the normal. breaking the rules of symettry and turning it's angle horizontally. A Life lesson to be taught dramatically....lies? LIES to my mind that crooked it seems. Mocking my movements as it watches me gleam. ...who can conjure if an Ocean's wave is amassed when hurt you only compare to the water that lay idle next to it.
....How can I truely determine if this painting is crooked, when I myself cannot preach what is straight? And this event ...the devils bait? Secummed?... I am, my story spoken true in poetry slammed. Society is wrong.
It is for this reason, I thoughtfully commit treason. We as a people are judged on false pretenses. I conserve its ascew proportIONs. My once- ill ...thought is now a product of abortION. It seems romantic in a sense....let Life be tilted for some time...for then you may experience the thought of truely being alive, free of control by harsh standards. Loved for the love you convey- not the style you appear as today. .........This picture......---a testament to our faith .to God? To others? life.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
I have wanted to perform my whole life. And haha my family went through many of my in home shows x) I swore to be a magician. Singer. Clown. And a bus driver. I just always have enjoyed making people laugh and feel good if for just a few minutes. That is why I love being with friends...and why they love being with me. I am not some company formulated pop whore. I am just Justin. I just wanna be myself and let that be the spark in anyone who hangs by me. I dream of Arenas chanting my name. I want to be wanted. I want to experience what helping others is like when you can have enough to really change lifes. I want to feel what our pouring love is like. The theater exist to spare us of reality for some time and create what we cannot see...I want to have theater be my reality. I want to be a constant performance. Undoubtfully I see life as a fragile could die right now reading this. So why not have fun at every pause in todays stressful world. Why not perform what energy I convey? I want to be able to share myself to people..make them happy. I have no superstar quality in terms of looks. . .but perhaps that will be what makes me unique.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
So let’s be honest, I have not really written a real, worth a few bucks blog in ...well since summer vacation. I would be completely distraught by this realization..but I am not that worried. Fortunately I finally received my Galaxy S2 Epic 4g Touch (long title I know) so I am able to vlog and upload YouTube videos. I do say that vlogging is still technically blogging. What I really focus on is putting myself, and my opinions out there...what force compels me to do that? I don’t really know.
Typically teenagers shelter themselves, or post photos of them crying over some relationship...I am not that cliche teenager to all degrees however. I dare myself to put my image out in the public's hands. I throw my life around the web to complete strangers for the thrill of socializing. I care not who you are or what you are (excluding serial rapists) I wish to be your friend.
It is in my mind that I am so open and engaged because as a kid I was taught against talking to strangers...and if you notice how you always rebel against your childhood rules when you get of age to be bale to rebel. I have nothing better to do with my time then meet new faces or entertain the ones I have so lovingly known for ages.
If you persistently watch my social pages online I extend my most gratitude filled hug toward you. YOU are of the people that keep me feeling like I have a purpose in this world. When I have friends or even strangers coming up to me and saying they enjoyed something I did it fills me with an appreciation you could not even begin to understand.
I really wish I could be making great videos that are edited, and entertaining...I am gonna be honest here and not snuggle my way out here. We don’t have any web at home besides our phones. I am working on getting wifi and have had a few failed soon as I get web at home 1) My life will be complete 2) I’ll get no sleep 3) I will get to pursue my dreams even further.
Yes, I am indeed a teenager, I have been down roads where you’re typically taught against and I have had some dark times too...even times where ending all the madness seem like a solid plan out. Through much stress and anxiety I still remain here, I still make videos for no mans land online, and I still get up every morning with a smile knowing I will inflict positive attitudes toward others through my actions.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Something I realized last year is that it's not always YOUR TIME just yet. I have a good vlog audience but am not famous- I have yet to gain the time and resources to become a great YouTuber. PERHAPS I have not gotten all I wanted yet- but truely I am not yet living...School keeps young adults in a locked vise until you grace that stage with a rolled up paper stating you faced 12 years of agony. To want all that those past high school are achieving is corrupt, you can't want what you don't have when you're not yet old enough, wise enough, and built enough to grasp it. THE complexity of life has yet to begin...we are all in the molding stage of what is to come. So fret things will come...people will will make something of yourself- right now does not represent your whole life...the lazy life of a teenager should not carry into adult hood. THIS IS HIGH SCHOOL....welcome to it's restricting powers that bind us- to later make us propser into self willing, ambitious adults.
want more of my thoughts?

Saturday, September 8, 2012
1)TALK: I have built a lovely page people are using to rant and have others help them with issues regarding school you can go to it and use it please! CLICK HERE
2)CLASS: To be prared for class you definately need binders, mosty teachers require it! Binders keep all your papers organized and in labelled places so you can find them easily. You may find them to be a pain at first (Freshman) but trust me they are life savers when you start getting a billion papers!
3)LOCKER: If you have a messy locker odds are your gonna be an emotional reck everyday. Your locker is the home to all your un-organized locker means an un-organized day. I recommend cleaning your locker after school at least once a week, it happens wether you like it or not, 5 minutes never seems enough in between classes. Put all BOOKS in the bottom to prevent breaking your binders, if you have notebooks put those next stacked nicely, then put the binders in a zig zag pattern so they hold each other up and not just slide to one side and go every where.
4)PEOPLE: We have all been there, you're in class trying to be a good student and work but you are distracted by what girl did which guy last night. I hate it, a lot of my class has not grown up at all over the past 3 way of ignoring them is typically music (but be careful with that one)- if you can't put on music ask the teacher to go in the hall or library and explain how you cannot work in the conditions most of them will either accepting or get the class to be quiet. If worst comes to worst scream "SHUT UP!" ;)
5)GUM: Never bring it to class, leave it in your can chew it but beware if you bring a pack to class you're suddenly the coolest kid in school.
6)CLUBS: Join them- instant social points.
7)HOMEWORK: Get PLANNER or some kind of homework sheet so you can always know and stay organized about it. I write it on my wrist instantly with pen and read it at my locker at the end of the day.
8) TOOLS: Lapeer Schools has begun using this NEW thing called the WEB! You can now see your individual classes page of your teacher and more. You can do so by going here for the list and links for EAST. Or if you go to any other schools you can go to the main site and hover over SCHOOLS tab and take it from there!
Monday, September 3, 2012
I mean I don't know about texting...I do text but not massively. I will be posting a lot of videos, photos, and statuses like a madman! Having a smartphone means having all the capabilities apps give you, and I quite frankly cannot wait for that!
Why do I like social networking so much? I guess it's the people. I like being able to have all these people I can express myself too, and show my crazy life I have without even knowing them! I don't even know these people yet they watch my videos, and comment on my stuff!? The entire social networking platform in itself is just really cool beans! I am feel pretty dandy about being able to partake in such activities everyday!
Not only do people see ma crap that i post, but they also see other peoples all is really crappy...but like in a good instead of crappy it's like pie if it's crappy...cause it's Pie...and pie is good no matter what.
My faovrite part of social networking is the ability to sit and see other peoples things they post because you can sit for hours and just be entertained, excluding the occasional mellow-dramatic relationship statuses. You're in high school girl expect to be played like a fiddle. Your able to find people hwo likes the same kind of things, and places. I just enjoy seeing what othe rpeople do when they get bored, it is all amazing how people who don't know each can come together and get to know each other!
Really you will never meet most of your social friends in real life, but honestly that leaves no room for awkward in person if you went in for a hug and they backed away awkwardly denying you.
That all being said, you now get why I love being a social networking whore, seeing things I never would otherwise, and sharing things people may find enjoyment from. I am so glad to be apart of this massaive array of human stupidity. Welcome to the world of social networking!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
1) 1st DAY OUTFIT: I know your first day is the day you dress you're best in your eyes right? Mine too....until just the other day I realized, if we dress in an amazing new outfit the first day we set ourselves up to have to stay with the really nice outfit. How rediculous would it be to wear a nice cardigans with skinnys, then the next day rock out sweat pants...Be sure your look is moderately nice. The firts day, is your first impression for every new teacher, and student. I want you too definately stay true to your style (don't let your Mom shop for you) because you have to uphold the reputation you make the first day. My guide: 1st day: Nice outfit 2nd Day: wow them with a nice accesory 3rd day: break out a amazing outfit when you have more friends now to acknowledge it.
2) SHY, BUT NOT TOO SHY: If you are a talker (like me) I would refrain from being so open the first day. A lot of excitment is on the first day, you wouldn't want to be that one hyper person in the tone down your attitude and energy, focus mainly on school for the first few days, then as oyu find your place with people feel a bit more free with your choices.
3) JOIN CLUBS: If you hate reaidng don't join the book club just for the people...find a club you actually like because schools have a TON of great clubs that get you involved with the student body and school. These are great ways to get friends, and get your name in the scene at your school.
4) BULLIES: I don't want to give you advice and possibly end up getting you I will say most times in most cases if your ignore your bullies remarks and realize how low they really are, you will feel better, and they will stop. You can't le tbullies beat you down when school is baout you, your friends, adn of course education, they have no space in your life... your reaction to them really does determine how they react to you.
1) TECHNOLOGY: If you want an iPhones capabilities but no the price you should duck down form Apple and go with the Galaxy sII. I know there is an SIII out but the subtle changes, and OS in it ar enot all that much greater than the SII. In fact the changes ar enot worth the $100 more oyu will have to pay. After watching many videos the SII has actually been proven better then the iPhone. WHich makes sense, it goes faster, has the same camera, but also has a much LARGER screen, and the bets part is it's only $100 at most stores. If that is still too much go to places like Walmart or Radio Shack, you can get it for about $50!
2) FOOD: Get Nutella! It is a hazelnut spread that goes good on many things! I get the "Nutella to go" packs in thhe chekc out lane because it is a small snack that comes with mini breadsticks. it truely is delish! I am quite sure it is healthy as well.
3) HAIR: To get a textureized look as a guy I am using "Detour: Live wire- Fibers creme" it is going to give you Louis Tomlinson hair!
4) SCHOOL: If you are going back to school then take this big tip! You have to watch what you wear on the firts day! If you wow people it will set up an instant first impression reputation, and the next few days you then have to live up to that. (More in a blog after this)
AS ALWAYS comment below to share your tips!
Friday, August 31, 2012
~~~~~~~~~~Monday August 27th~~~~~~~~~~~~
After braving a 3 hour drive....and by braving I mean absoutley suffering in the backseat with my laptop, movies, and photoshop....Sense the sarcasm? No, it was an easy trip I was well equiped.
This wonderous adventure I have taken route on is a few days up north with my (prettty much) brother Anthony and his famIly to MICHIGAN ADVENTURES!
Our first attempt at 10 pm at night of grabbing a motel in the off skirts of a tourist town was inconclusive. Quite frankly elderly people suffering from memory loss should not own and operate anything.
Second try landed us to some creepy old man with a limp saying his motel is not ready cause he was in the ER today...we more or less drove off at a more then normal fast rate.
Our last attempt of having a place to stay landied us at NORTHSIDE MOTEL....with pink lights lining the ubilding I assumed this was a swanky joint, or a strip club. They used a buzzer system to let us in...and now I see why. SHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL! Leaving her alone up north at ight would be dangerous, yes we are being hosted by a veyr lovely indian woman. After closer inspection she has 19 year old kids...there must be something in her tea to keep her looking young!
I would like to point out that I stayed on track with healthier choices and while buying snacks at the gas station I bought assortments of nuts, and raisin is even more epic then the others cause there is yogurt bits in it!
I don't have my camera here so no vlog of this trip although by the sights of things so far it would be an epic trip for oyu and Anthony have the sort of "issues" that make things funny...well for us. OK it's mainly destruction and innappropriate jokes...we definaTELY did not say anything innapropriate about our amazingly gorgeous motel owner.
See you tomorrow?
~~~~~~Tuesday August 28th~~~~~~~~~~~
I just woke up at 8:45 am, (Might I acknowledge I got up after only one attempt!) I have a minor headache but I attritbute that too not sleeping until 1am-ish....I am apologizing right now to the future me having to walk all day today. Sorry dude. Twit-book-lr took over last night.
WE are going to find a bite to eat then head off! I wish i hads my Galaxy sII already so I could just Vlog it!~ Ohhh I could photoblog it too!
I didn't take my I took no photo's of M.A. but in the next blog of Lake Michigan which is the day after you're reading this blog has tons of photo's!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
I wanted to blog to you today *hands you a coffee* to mainly stress the point that what I spend my time doing along with the millions of others out there is not at all pointless. (unless you're a soil conservation blog for climate control---I'm sure no one reads those) I will make an ATTEMPT at being short and sweet in why BLOGGING IS NOT A WASTE...
CONTENT: Each and every blog has a distinct theme, style of writing, and general content it produces. Every writer on any blog out there is an individual, therefore provides their individualized approach and style to the issues or happenings they blog about. This gives the readers maybe a new found tip, or second opinion they have been needing. I myself am an avid Google zombie, I stumble over to Google for every brain picking question I have, and always rely on the lovely bloggers otu there who have wrote tips and tricks for things in life. The content of each blog is usually focused on a certain topic, and each blog is like a person...and everybodies different, so even though the number of bloggers is insane, they all serve purpose.
FLARE:along with the idividualized approach to each blog I mentioned just then- you have the bloggers specific characterization to their content. If you're and older person looking for political news you're going to search for a more serious tuned down informative blog. If you're a teenager searching for life's big question you will feel most comfortable in a casual, human like blog. Every different blog have a different person behind it, that is like the difference between attending a wedding, and a funeral.
BRAND: A blog follows a theme (again, as I mentioned earlier) and staying true to that theme is what makes or breaks you as a blogger. I have devised a system called the 3 C's. COLOR, CONTENT,
CONSISTENCY: If your 3 C's play in together nicely you will have a good brand. Most bloggers and vloggers set a schedule- for me I blog at least once a week- Think of it like bloggers being STARBUCKS or MCDONALDS, they are always staying fresh big companies. Staying true to your readers brings them back.
Hopefully this has shown you how the use of blogging really is a much needed thing in our world, not to mention a great hobby for any person to get into.
THE COMMENT QUESTION: "What do you think sets bloggers apart most?"
Saturday, August 25, 2012
1) TECHNOLOGY: If you have a smart phone and are not living it up unlimited on a great plan, then you know DATA is a word you hate to see. So to SAVE YOU DATA download the FREE app called "Onavo" it is somehow a data cruncher and really does work. Although the downsides are you won't be able to send or recieve photo's for some reason...I don't know maybe they will conjure up a fix for that.
2) FOOD: Snack foods...we eat them. we love them. We also have to suffer the health affects. There are many chips, with many different flavors but did you know there are more than just the salty greasy LAYS!? Yes! I eat the chips called "KETTLE BRAND" they are ALL NATURAL, and kettle cooked. These chips are not only NOT FRIED in grease, but the kettle cooked aspect gives them a great crunch! My favorite part beyond the healthiness, is how great they taste! The natural ingredients make for wonderful flavors, and your fingers are not wet by the end of eating them! (available anywhere)
3) ALCOHOL: If you plan on having a night of drinking pair that with the lovely H2O! You should space your drinks with water, doing so keeps you hydrated, while also lessening the affects of the alcohol, so you can drink and have fun but not get too wasted. (I don't know what ages read my blog- but this is for 21 and over!)
4) WIFI: If you prefer going out for your wifi I will give you one tip....NO MCDONALDS. On top of their fat inducing greasy food their wifi is horrendous. I prefer going to STARBUCKS personally for the value of their products, but also their wifi is rather fast. From much experiementation and stress 0.0 I found Mcdonalds wifi to be weaker at many locations.
Friday, August 24, 2012
EXCLUSIVE "Species 0" excerpt
Begining work in his junior year of high school, he began battle thru the hardships of writing, such as the daunting task of characterization. He need not worry as his friends and family brought the much needed support a young author needs. This entire series started as an idea, turning into a draft that he had posted on his blog. That draft blossomed into an outpour of support and praise from friends and blog readers of his. Using this love from people was the best choice he could have made, the first book has went thru years of changes, and evolved into to what is now one book with two more to come! I am so glad to see a young adult who has moved on from the little restricting town of Lapeer, Michigan and followed his dreams to hit it big living in New York, New York...a city of dreams.
So without further suspense I give you the provocative, romantic, thrilling journey of "Species 0"- in the exclusively release Prologue piece to the book!
Andy watches the guest at yet another rich party in Beveral Hills, California. Drinking, dancing, fucking, everything parties consist of. However, Andy knows this isn’t a normal party. The people here can afford anything they want. From the latest fashion, to new cars and nannies. They have more than enough, yet they still take from the needy. Andy’s life lesson: Sometimes people take too much, but they don’t seem to understand the world will take it all back in a second. Andy considers himself the world in this lesson. He takes from the rich, afterall they have more than enough. He has two rules: Never take more than he needs, and always give to the needy. He gives back by protecting those in danger. Superhero? Fuck no! Andy feels a man’s hand grab onto his shoulder pulling him onto the dance floor. He looks at the man who is suited up in black, and has beautiful light blue eyes. A person would never know this man was a cold blood killer.
“You catch up quick Howard.” Andy whispers into the man’s ear as he pulls him closer.
“Maybe you just don’t run fast enough.” Howard says, his voice deep and filled with rage. Andy doesn’t let off any fear, he just lets out a loud sigh and continues to slow dance with Howard.
“We had a deal.” Howard says.
“Come on, I know you don’t want to make a scene here. All these people, somebody could get hurt.” Andy makes himself sound young and innocent, playing with Howard.
“Cut the act, you care too much about people to let anything happen.” Howard says.
“You know me better than that, I could care less about these rich blue collar workers.” Andy says, continuing to dance with Howard, wishing this slow song would end.
“My boss isn’t very happy.” Howard looks Andy in the eye as if warning him.
“Most of the world isn’t happy.” Andy replies.
“We had a deal, you give us the location of Jenga, we would help you escape.”
“Now you see, I have an issue with your terms and conditions. Jenga is already pissed I left him, why would I put a target on my back?” Andy asks.
“Well, now you have several.” Howard whispers into Andy’s ear.
Andy looks around the room slowly and sees several men holding laser guns. He keeps dancing with Howard, not wanting to set them off.
“You think killing me is going to help you find Jenga? I mean, if your goal is to be ripped up into pieces, well, go right ahead.” Andy warns.
“Tell us why Jenga is after you.” Howard demands.
“He’s just a man in love.” Andy tells him.
“Why is he attacking the humans?” Howard asks.
“Let me tell you something about Jenga. The man has a mind of his own. Nobody has ever loved me like he did. I may need out, but I would never betray him. No matter what it is you’re offering. Cause’ let’s face it, when Jenga is done with his plans, all of you won’t know what hit you. I advise you hold onto what you have very tightly.” Andy tells him, pulling away roughly. He notices the men raise their laser guns.
“You wouldn’t kill me, not here.” Andy says.
“That’s why you need to come with me.” Howard orders him.
Andy looks Howard in the eyes, his body giving into the power. Howard feels a daze come over him as the scent of flowers and lust fill the air. Andy becomes the most beautiful guy he has ever seen. He can’t help but want him right there and now.
“Be honest, well you kind of have no choice. Was your plan to kill me once I told you?” Andy asks.
“Yes, but I won’t let that happen. I love you.” Howard says.
“Tsk, Tsk. Nobody can stick to deals anymore. Sadly for you, I always have a back up plan.” Andy says kicking Howard and sending him flying into two of the laser gun men. A shot goes off, but Andy quickly grabs onto the balcony and pulls himself up.
The guest begin to scream and panic but Andy just keeps walking, until he feels a gun touch the back of his head.
“You should never leave your back open.” The man holding the gun says.
“I figured you’d enjoy it Peter.” Andy says kissing the man.
“Enough Killer. I have to get out of here.” Andy pulls away, out of his eye he sees a man sneaking up on him with a gun. Andy quickly pulls a razor out of his shirt collar and throws it, cutting the man’s throat open. Peter shots a second gun man.
Andy sets a small bomb on the stair way/
“Is it clear?” Andy asks.
“Yes.” Peter answers.
Andy kicks the glass out of a window, and looks down twenty stories. He grabs onto the escape bar, Peter grabs on as well.
“Peter…I made it clear, I need to escape.” Andy says before head butting Peter causing him to fall back inside. Andy presses a buttom, and the bomb explodes. He slides now the bar as fire sprews out of the building. He hits the ground, landing on both feet, and walks away knowing never to look back.
Thank you for reading! I am sure I will have more to tell you about this new book series in the months to come!
COMMENT what you think about the prologue, Are you excited for the book!?
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Let me say first hand...although your clothes affect your appearance to people, your personality and humanity is the number one asset you need to worry about. Luckily for me I was raise dproperly so I have a general likability about me. I was also raised up as a preppy little sweater vest wearing, bible hugger...So I am now I sexy, hipster fashion lover, I don't really bible hug as much as I should!
Ok, you're on my we go. GOODWILL is a store msot everyone knows. A loy of times it has the greatest things you will have never found, it is a constant garage sale...who doesn't appreicate a good garage sale every now and then. Considering the charitable factor behind donating, and purchasing from the store, it's old moggy smell does not phase me. It was not until late last year I seen that a lot of my friends actually do shop at Goodwill, it's actually a sort of social club. Finding gems there is really fun, the way they have it where people donate the goods they sell means you get the same value as going all aorund town to garage sales...Goodwill brings you the convience and value of a day of garage saling in one store!
I have shopped for things there many times, and always find somethign more then what I originally wen tin looking for and that's what is so GRAND ABOUT IT! You can find things like good clothes, or shoes while also finding some great new Coffee mug for your already insane collection. Or...not, cause maybe your Mom has started restricting your Coffee mug limit...besides my obsessions you actually find some great clothes, and you should definately not be a shamed to shop there. I will tell you although my closet is 95% designer brand clothes- you can come across some great name brands at Goodwill, people just carelessly throw away. So shopping for clothes there is a good choice, although you may have to sift thru a lot of old horrendous clothes- and if you've been there you know horrendous is definately the adjective for some of the clothes.
I know that most people feel others can prosper form their trash..but let's be real some of the stuff I find there is completely pointless to have in the store. On top of pointless there was one time I saw somehting that should not even be in the public eye! One day while drifting thru i saw a glass display case near the back, in it I found trojan vibrating condoms of some sort (hopefully not used) sitting vicariously next to a Wizard of Oz Dorothy barbie doll....coinsidence...I hope so. 0.0.
If you are an avid shipper here good for you, your supporting a great charity who helps millions...if you have never then please do so! Remember that helping others is never going to make you look trashy, or poor...Goodwill is a store based on doing support a wonderful charity, while saving money. Realistically most people today can save does not make you poor to want to get more then one outfit for $ me I have been there I paid $150 in a shopping haul one day with my friend Troy Walker....I walked out with two outfits...what did I do wrong!----I avoided Goodwill that's what!
COMMENT QUESTION: What is some of your funnest things you have found at Goodwill?
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Starting off I was on a nice sister date with Kayla (My bro's girlfriend) Knowing she would be living to go home, leaving me alone at Starbucks I hit up one of my most epic friends Maranda. She came, we very openly played my youtube videos on the loudest volume in the middle of STARBUCKS for th fun of it. Then I got bored, so we needed to hit the town! Of course if you live in this trash pit of a small town Lapeer, you know "hitting the town" is walking around WalMart or something.
Our first stop was garden center, after ramming the cart into the door that never automatically opened we discovered it was closed for tonight. So we made our way to the books only to discover some certain .."bulges" in the pants of the One Direction boys in a magazine. XD
Secondly we came across a very attractive woman chef who has a tv show, and her display of products. You have three seconds to throw your guess out there- wait let's make this a game...go COMMENT first which chef you think I am talking about CLOSE your eyes and scroll down. Then come back and see if your guess was right :)
We walked thru the clothes and Maranda had her eye on a "sexy young man" worker there. Quite frankly from a straight guys perspective, there was not much to like so I do not see where her attraction lies in a man. After her trying on hooker boots obviously right in front of him we made our way to the sexy section.
Maranda found a very sparkly and bright pair of 12 year old girl lingerie. Ok she says it is not 12 year olds but please they fit me, and I have the body of a 12 year old girl. (lol)
Oh my all this hsopping has burnt a lot of calories. So we briskly made our way to the doughnuts place...they were already taken in for the night. SO we looked around at the pre-packaged all looked gross, then we saw a bunch of Organic salads beckoning our bodies toward them! We took about 10 minutes to find the right ones but eventually got two very organic and mixed up salads.
We went ot self checkout in fear of an awkward silence at the register...imagine two teenagers walking up with two organic salads, creepy faces, and pieces of 12 year old girls lingerie...
To make this situation even more awkward for people we sat outsid eon the Meijer benches eating the salads as they exited and entered...the looks people gave us XD At one point I remember having a mouth full of salad screaming at them "WHAT DO YOU WANNNT!?!?!"
My brother was my ride home so we had journeyed our way thru the dark and desolate parking lot, and back sides of the hotels. A few cars scared us so we turned our walk into a fast paced walk. Making our way to the M24 Subway. We had a half hour to spare, so we sat on the randomly ledge they have in between the parking lot and the road.
Sitting there with two salads randomly spitting some out, and throwing rocks in the road...things just got crazier as time went on. This next part has no valued explanation so I will not try...but Maranda conjures this brilliant idea that I should put on her panties she just bought. Reluctantly putting on the panties for all of the M24 drivers to see I strutted my stuff, with an Organic salad in hand.
Out of no where we see this bus, making a joke at it being a party bus, when they turn into EG Nicks we see on the side it really is a party bus! :D So we put the panties on our fingers and twirled them above our head like mad drunks! The bus kept pulling all around the parking lot like it was watching us...we gladly would have joined their whole shin-dig.
Once the bus drove away we had not much to do but run aorund in the road between cars, and just shouting things.
I seriously consider the possibility that the ORGANIC vitamins or something produced some sort of brain waves, chemical high or something. I don't know the science behind it...but this was a good night.
You can use that box down there to talk ya know. It doesn't bite.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Rant about TWIX

Mainly because it exemplifies how boring big companies get. They wait for one company to get a big success at something and swoop right in and run the same tactics as them. Do they really think we don't notice!?!? If you were to place a child under the television (kinda like we do) for a day or so they would get the impression that copying others! Last I checked Plagiarism still exists!
Companies do this obviously because it's smart. They do what they know works...but still, let's be a bit more creative people.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
1) FOOD: Eat blueberries in the summer months (that's now)! Blueberries are in season now, and that means cheaper prices. You can buy in bulk now and freeze them for the winter (In an AIR TIGHT container) They are high in antioxidants and a whole bunch of other good stuff, especially taste. They can be mushed into any fruity dish, eaten alone, or even mixed into a delicous drink!
2) HAIR: If you admire the hairs of celebrities then I am going to let you in on their biggest (yet well known) secret to great hair! Most celebrities like the One Direction boys only wash their hair once or twice a week. Hold up now it is not entirely gross! They use dry shampoo which is something that goes into your scalp like a gel and keeps your hair clean while allowing the natural oils your hair produces. These oils are what we call "grease" when really this grease is a beautiful act of nature repleneshing our hair foliicals!
3) TECHNOLOGY: DO NOT ever, under any circumstances leave your iPod or any other electornics outside overnight. For example...SOME person..wink wink...left their iPod outside and it rained over night, water got inside the iPod and well goodbye iPod. Ok so if you're not dumb you caught the hint it was me...I think we all know not to do this...I just wanted to share this weeks blonde moment XD
4) FOOD: If you are a late night food addict don't worry your not alone, "HI my names Justin, and I'm a food-aholic" I literally sit up all night and just chow down on every food I find. Realizing this bad habit I found my dull food. My "dull food" is snacking on a bowl of dry cheerios. They are pretty much empty of anything so it is a snack that fulfils my need to be eating something. Sadly they have yet to make me more cheery X) Haha Just kidding...yolo. OK NO I AM GONNA GO DIE NOW FOR SAYING THAT.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
I only used such a bland title to see how much no one will read this blog post...politics...ewwww! Although I am more of a Hollywood junkie I do follow a tad by of the political things going on. It's our country you kind of have to pay some attention to politics, after all they decide your future truthfully. I for some reason have emails everyday sent from Obama and Romney. Each email always says the opposite of the other. I like Obama then read Romney's and find out he is a scandal? It just keeps going back and forth, on the end judging by character and personality I support Obama. The thing that really irks me is how I really can't believe either one because they each contradict each other. Just like the media, these candidates throw everything everywhere and I don't know who or what to believe. I am probably never going to vote, it seems tedious and worthless, even though voting is showing my opinion that can affect the whole US. I really am confused about things, and to the point here I read right. past their emails. Politics is politically incorrect! You cannot contradict each other, it just doesn't make sense!? Point to this blog: Ranting.
Monday, August 13, 2012
a battle won. Doing the homework to your best ABILITY, a battle won. Being the best parent even though your child is being a brat (although the child doesn't see it) a personal battle won. This game making troll is smart. It will give you public triumphs and personal battles. The plot twists of including another person or thing is what keeps the troll hip. Not every battle is won alone, so using others to help along the way is nothing to be ashamed is what the troll wants. Number one tip: don't tick off the troll. Giving up will show weakness to the troll and harm your personal view of yourself...building up a strong resistance to failure, not trying, and neglect will keep you strong! I have learnt pulling out isn't always the best way out. I'm leaving you on that thought. XD
Sunday, August 12, 2012
1) SKIN: Being a teenager as well as a BOY I am faced with zits and pimples...we all get them. I found an ALL NATURAL facial wash last week, and (although I have been eating alot of organic foods) my face skin has dramatically changed in just ONE WEEK! This magically charm is "St Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub". The 1 oz. travel bottle that is only 97 cents at WalMart is a perfect size and price to use! Normally many skin care products are either expensive or drys out your skin. I am afraid of those liquid acne washes, a lot of them burn or end up breaking you out even more. Buy and try this! (longest tips yet much lol)
2) ANGER: If you have a lot of words to say and your not one of those annoying people who post it all on Facebook try my trick of acronyms. Say your words using only the first letter. Like a sort of secret code. Say I wanted to say "God I hate you so much you jerk" write that as GIHYSMYJ while saying it in you head. You'll feel the same as if you had yelled at them, minus the confrontation. But confrontation is the solution to problems so always do so eventually, and in a calm manor!
3) FOOD: If you eat Yogurt like you should eat CHOBANI all natural. If you do eat it you know it has to be mixed up, Instead of stirring it in the tiny cup making a mess of the yogurt mix it up before you open it. I like to shake it vigorously before I open it so It is not a tub of cream cheese when I open it!
4) BODY: If you find a new body product like shampoo or haircare often it is expensive, and you don't even know if you'll like it. A lot of products offer travel sizes for normally $1. Not only are these perfect for travel, but they are a small non costly option to try something new. Almost like trying a sample.
As always comment below to share your own tips!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
The world is focused on the Olympics....I am focused on that beautiful freaking England! I am not one of those people who pretend I have loved something forever just because it's cool. My entire life I have had a fond love for the culture, fashion, people, and countryside nature of the English lands. It has always seemed like I could escape to another world by going to the other side of the pond.
The extreme joy of wearing sweaters and avoiding the rain on a daily basis is worth leaving America for a few months at least. I love the idea of living in or near a small village town, with cobblestone streets walked everyday by commoners. Being able to walk into the village market, buying the families food fresh from the farm everyday. Is it the dream of having a simple earthly life over there? or the sense of togetherness they have in the UK.
Friday, August 10, 2012
IN my never ending quest to find humans messing up, or public scenes happening I came across this video of some crazy drunk at Disney Land. He was repeatedly pepper sprayed by security, and was using obscene language in the video. On top of a mad drunk, you have some Mom who obviously is not happy at the disgusting display this mans is portraying in front of a crowd of people, INCLUDING CHILDREN. What children at Disney Land!?!?!?...I guess that guy would not have figured that out. I am not only sharing this with you because...well let's be honest it's hilarious, but I (believe it or not) got something out of this video. A moral, a theme if you wish to call it that! (That actually starts at the green square) In the video which you should just watch before reading this (PAUSES for you) IN THE VIDEO you hear the boys taking it as a joke, but others around being just as mad as the drunk. They have one (rather heavy) security guard attempting to control the situation, with the non-assisting bell hops just there to look silly. The mad drunk finally gets back up cursing, and throwing fists at the poor guy. The bellhops jump willingly into action!!!!!---by pushing the crowd back----not helping the guy being beaten down and hit---just saying "back up"--- After a while of the two going at it, the guard is pretty much embarrassed by the drunk, the whole video you hear that mad Mom screaming "SOMEBODY HELP HIM!" finally some Hawaii dude jumps in.
The whole reason for posting this is to share what I got out of this. The security guard was obviously out numbered in terms of the mad mind the drunk had...yet through this people just sat back expecting someone else to jump in. I see things like this in school where students sit back and watch a fight, while the teachers jump in. Is it possible that we just enjoy watching someone struggle!? After watching this I have this sense of SUPERMAN in me! As a citizen you do your civic duty's for people...helping even if your not an employee somewhere means you have a delightful sense of humanity. I know the bellhops thought backing people up would diffuse the situation and prevent more guests getting hurt (MAKES SENSE) but don't you think it is sad that guests step in to help the guy before actual employees do? Disney Land is a good ole' happy go lucky family right!? Yet they are representing the one thing that makes this world corrupt, not sticking together as humans. If you see a person any where being bullied or hurt don't wait for others to step in, because often it can be too late. You have a civic duty to help others, if someone is being harmed you NEED to step in to help, it amuses me really how long it took for other guests to step in. The people in that crowd could have been hurt if the situation continued...that should be enough to know to step in. Don't be scared to help others out, often just like that security guard---people need it but they know they can't ask.
If not for Twilight or Alice in Wonderland. I would have never found my love for the name. A divine liking have I taken for a girl with the name Alice. In every story I write or fantasy I conjure in my scrambled mind the girl is always relative to or exactly the liking of, an Alice. What is an Alice? Is an Alice of a friendly sort? Where is my Alice?
What is my dear named Alice, but a French derived name popularly lengthened by saying Adelais. A name bringing upon a girl the title of strength and nobility. Is Alice truly brave enough to go against her parents after following a suspicious rabbit down an abnormal sink hole? Has she been faint on the idea of realism or is she just a creative soul finding way in a rough world? I would cherish the day an Alice walks into my
Thursday, August 9, 2012
"You can change your status, but not your heart"
Their high school is built by brick, held together by a lovely courtyard, an dressed with societies most hipster fashions. The school they go to is my dream joke. I will comfortably admit that I was a huge Hannah Montana fanboy. Seeing Miley Cyrus back on my tv in itself was a delight, but seeing her in this wonderful film was magical. This is one of those slow painstakingly sad background music teenager angst movies...and I freaking love those. This movie is like the 2011 "The kid are alright film" Although LOL is about a teenager girl...not lesbian parents. 0.0
Miley Cyrus as "Lola" was more than perfect casting! She is still a teenager to us, so her role was well played. I honestly felt her breakup with her movie boyfriend felt real, the after affects of fight and despair were felt in my heart. Then the overly handsome "Kyle" (Douglas Booth) sweeps in as prince charming and rekindled her idea of love. The most important element is the script in an film, an the dialogue of this film isn't cliched (or I'd flip) the communication feels like how I'd talk to my friend. Not to be a spoiler here but there is obviously a huge fight with Lola and her mom, and I almost started yelling at the TV because I felt so in the room with them.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
A KISS IN THE RAIN- The Cinderella Story
In pretty much every romantic film they kiss and boom it's raining. I was intrigued when this happened recently while I was watching "A CINDERELLA STORY" What is it about the rain that makes everything 10 points higher on the scale of lovely?? Could it be that the rain forces us inside snuggled with a coffee and a good book? If anything the rain brings people together for a few minutes. Sending us to huddle together under umbrellas and shelters, snuggled in a blanket in front of monopoly. The rain makes outside games halt, tv go out, and recess go inside for games...rain really makes everybody comes inside and be with each other, and the things they love (like hot cocoa and a rainy window) Perhaps this feeling of comfort inside with the storming weather outside is like the comfort love gives us? Holding that other person makes the entire world fade away, your stomach fall numb to the floor, in a pure state of adrenaline you look over their shoulders...but only to find the stained window, streaked with the worlds downpour. The at home feeling of knowing when things go wrong you have that one person, apart from the rest that can tell you it's ok, looking you in the eyes without even saying words, their eyes read aloud the entire novel. This sense of relief brought on by love must be relevant to the soft fall of the gathering rain. Where does the rain come into play in romantic movie scenes!? -Comment below and share your thoughts!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Whoa! My girl Kim K tweeted this very revealing Bikini photo last week on her twitter. Although she definitely looks smoking, I am not posting his just to be an obsessed teen fan. I want you to take note at the two twitter hash tag in her "Pool time" twit pic #nofilter and #nophotoshop. Something we use to search the web for "CELEBRITIES WITHOUT MAKEUP"....oh gosh although I was that kid, isn't it pathetic we try to find people at their worst!? If you keep up with Hollywood you'll have noticed how comfortable Stars have become with their fans. Their declaration of love for the truth to their fans has been proven many times by the newly adapted, and fully purposeful "no makeup shots" Lady GaGa even put hers on the cover of a magazine! This shows a sunny side to celebrity fandom, all us crazy average people idolize these beautiful people, it can even become dangerous for many people. So seeing celebrities show there really is natural beauty in people, and lights and makeup are not what makes you beautiful is wonderful! (haha slipped a 1D quote in there) This level of comfort has even been embraced by a SEVENTEEN magazine who recently declared they will no longer Photoshop their models into beautiful figures but rather let their natural beauty shine. I know not if it is just me, but don't you feel like society now-a-days is becoming more comfortable with things than ever before? I feel like people have finally started realizing humanity can exist...this is good, a nice way to see things. Good luck World in your further adventures into a naturally embracing society.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Yeah! This is the 2nd JTT therefore I have stuck to something! This weeks tips are somewhat scrambled but here ya'll go!
1) WEB: Hold your pose when taking a pic...after 10 seconds you should know if you want to have that looked at forever online or whatever. I wish all the duck face, booty popped out bathroom shots from those girls used this tip before clicking upload XD
2) WEIGHT: You should drink a glass of water before a meal. Simply put: it fills the stomach, thus reducing hunger. If I could dig into the web for a second and tell you that in recent studies where a group of men were put on a low calorie diet for three months. One group drank a glass of water before their meals. That group lost 15 pounds as opposed to the 11 pounds lost by the non water drinking group...facts are fun! (hehe)
3) SNACKING: If your craving a late night snack, or even during the day I recommend you have a warm mug of hot cocoa. This is a personal experience tip, so no fun fact here. I don't know how or why it sort of fills me greatest guess is the milk you put in it. Anyways try it!
4) HEALTH: Eat a dry bowl of salad (lite dressing if you must) while you do your laundry with the music on. You have to do laundry so why not make laundry time benefit you!? Turn on the tunes, and do a little jig while folding/putting away clothes. Trust me it passes time. The salad part is just to eat healthy, grab a piece of salad every shirt or every other.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Stay golden.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
1) 3D: I'm not saying put in a message instructing them to put on their glasses (totally coming soon with the advance of 3D) but rather add dimension to your images. The most popular ads I see distributed thru many sites (especially Yahoo's homepage) are interactive hover over, or button click ads. These drive in a lot of people, but chances are you can't do these. So an easy way to mimic their effect is to add digital dimension. This can be done by things like layering objects over other objects, adding sparkle/fire/water effects, and making text or image have a shadow to provide a popping-out look to it. The different dimensions add a sense of modern attractiveness....3D effects help.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
This is the first edition of a hopefully weekly occurrence. I think a lot, and spend too much time with myself so all the time I am conjuring up these new ideas, and new approaches on I haven't been picked up yet is beyond me. This week is about HEALTH
1) WATER: We all wanna be healthy but drinking water is tasteless and bland. Flavorings is a terrible sugary alternative. By accident I drank some pineapple juice that was put in my water bottle. It was about a half and half ratio. Any water spiked with REAL fruit juices can taste good, and have a nutritional backing. STARBUCKS has a new line of "refreshers" beverages and they use whole raspberries and shake the water to mix in a natural flavor that is great! Watch what juice you buy if you don't use it from fresh fruit, most juices are sugar filled!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Ok so I am speaking as a consumer, and somewhat a pop culture junkie. I don't know if my claims here are true but they're purely opinionated. Thru some basic observations it seems like the whole vintage trend (which I was definitely in with) has somewhat faded. I shop at Rue21 and they brought in a nice vintage design with their clothes. Now the lace, and ribbons have begun to be replaced by they bright neon trims and center folds. It's crazy how obsessed we all were with the vintage lifestyle, I'm personally in heaven seeing old wood, or metal furnishes. Seeing old pieces of clothes or antiques for some reason throws me overboard in a sea of respect. The simpler times were when people played outside or drove in their cars for 10 cents with their friends. I sometimes wish I could sit back on a 57 Chevy's hood sipping a 5 cent Pepsi, overlooking the town in a cliche picturesque cliff parking lot. Why can't life be vintage? No cell phones, no computer...what if when we heard "wifi" we thought of some governmental conspiracy to invade our easy life's? I think it's to the point where we love the ideal of not taking a bag of chargers, and electronics everywhere we go...but when we actually come to doing it, that's another thing. We are so whipped and wired in we can't even live out our fantasy that are as easy a putting our phones down. We use them because they exist and we love them. So with new technologies and ideas with our modern neon world is there even a place for vintage fashion!? Us small humans are sporting vintage fashions and vintage products all in a desperate plea for old ways...yet we take a picture of our new vintage shoes and twit pic it, instagram it, Facebook it, pin it on pinterest, Blog them, Vlog them, text about them, email them, pic message them, and all this, just to show we support simpler was difficult just writing all those posting ways. To support vintage fashion we have to support the life of simplicity and enjoying the little things...not the app store. Seeing all the new fashion trends go in and out I'm sure vintage fashion still holds itself strong, but really it all relies on the spirit of us consumers, and of course the fashion bloggers....oh we're such an impressionable society.
Stay Golden